Summer Intern Reflection #2


Wow! I can’t believe how fast time flies! I have come to the end of my summer internship with the DRC, and it has definitely been a rewarding experience. From the beginning, I was honestly a little nervous as there were some tasks that I didn’t have much experience in. But over these two months I have learned so much and gained some new skills. I have also been able to learn more about the Dom people, and that has been the greatest blessing. I believe that knowing more about each other can help to foster environments of respect and better support for others. To be honest, before starting this internship, my knowledge of the Gypsy ethnic groups was extremely limited. While there is still so much for me to learn (which I will definitely continue to do even after the internship ends), I have come to have a better understanding, and I have been able to share this information with others and engage in conversations that share something new with others.

 During this time I have also had the opportunity to observe how the DRC functions and the way that the organization works to mobilize and support people who are already there in the communities that are supported, rather than just bringing in new people or controlling the situations. This has led me to think about how organizations and individuals can create spaces of support and development that can be long term as well as meeting the immediate need. We can see this reflected so strongly in current times of COVID-19 as so many need something in this moment, but we also have to look at the long term goal for sustainability. I am glad that I was able to engage in those conversations, and I hope to continue them with others so that we can do intentional community work and empower others. 

Overall, this was a rewarding experience, and I am so glad I was able to contribute to the work of the DRC in some way. I am grateful for the connection we were able to make through phones and the internet. Despite the miles between us all, we were able to work together, and I am so thankful for the support and guidance from Allen and Mary. I plan to continue to support as I can, and I am looking forward to where this experience leads me in life!

Jaya, DRC Summer Intern

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